


Die aktuellsten Nachrichten

Studenten weltweit solidarisieren sich mit den Palästinensern

  • LOS ANGELES, KALIFORNIEN, USA 2. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:06 Schwenk von rechts nach links police officers in riot gear arrive to clear the pro-Palestinian encampment overnight at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2. 00:06-00:10 Totale police and protesters face off at UCLA protest encampment, fireworks in air 3. 00:10-00:14 Totale students wearing umbrellas, helmets chant slogans at police officers 4. 00:14-00:17 Totale protesters replace barricades in front of police 5. 00:17-00:21 Panorama the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus, hours after police cleared the pro-Palestinian protest encampment 6. 00:21-00:24 Totale police officers in riot gear walking on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus, hours after clearing the pro-Palestinian protest encampment PARIS, FRANKREICH 2. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 7. 00:24-00:29 Totale students chanting "Israel murderer, Macron accomplice" (FRENCH: "Israël assassin, Macron complice") at the Place de la Sorbonne in Paris 8. 00:29-00:33 Halbnahe students chanting "Macron wages war on us and his police too" (FRENCH: "Macron nous fait la guerre et sa police aussi") while dancing; one student carries a Palestinian flag on her shoulders 9. 00:33-00:37 Totale students holding a banner which reads "Against genocide in Gaza and imperialism, P3 mobilized" (FRENCH: "Contre le génocide à Gaza et l'impérialisme, P3 mobilisé") 10. 00:37-01:06 O-TON 1 - Mathis Aversenq, master's student, member of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) (Mann, 24 Jahre alt, French, 30 Sek.): "In the United States, there is a group of young people who refuses to allow this to be done in our name, or who refuses the active complicity of the French government, the American government, the Western governments and even some Arab governments, who actively or passively support this genocide. So we're mobilizing, following the example of our American comrades who started small and are now mobilized across a hundred universities in the US. We want to do the same in France." "Aux États-Unis, il y a une partie de la jeunesse qui refuse que ce soit fait en notre nom ou qui refuse la complicité active des gouvernements français, des gouvernements américains, des gouvernements occidentaux et y compris de certains gouvernements des pays arabes qui soutiennent de manière active ou passive ce génocide. Donc, on se mobilise, à l'instar de nos camarades américains qui ont commencé petit et qui, là, se mobilisent dans une centaine d'universités aux États-Unis. Nous on a envie de faire la même chose en France." PARIS, FRANKREICH 3. MAI 2024 2. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 00:47-00:52 Zwischenschnitt: Totale Science Po facade with "All eyes on Rafah" banner and Palestinian flag 12. 00:52-00:57 Zwischenschnitt: Totale Palestinian flag and sign "Bassères = violences policières" (Jean Bassères, provisional administrator of Sciences Po, EDS.) 13. 01:06-01:11 Totale students outside the Jourdan campus, where one of the occupied annexes to the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) and Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) is located 14. 01:11-01:15 Nah a students saying through a megaphone: "For us, the focus remains on Gaza" (FRENCH: "Pour nous le focus reste sur Gaza") 15. 01:15-01:19 Halbnahe a student speaking outside the Jourdan campus, where one of the occupied annexes to the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) and Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) is located 16. 01:19-01:23 Halbnahe students outside one of the occupied annexes to the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) and Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) is located; law enforcement officers surrounding them 17. 01:23-01:26 Schwenk von rechts nach links signage reading "Ecole Normale Supérieure" on the facade of a building 18. 01:26-01:55 O-TON 2 - Niel, Jewish student at Sciences Po, involved in the pro-Palestinian movement (Mann, French, 28 Sek.): "There are partnerships today with Israeli universities, four of them, Tel Aviv University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University and Reichman University, and all four are universities that collaborate with the Israeli military system, with the State of Israel, that host military programmes, that host military bases. And so, yes, we say that today, if we want to put pressure on the State of Israel to stop the genocide, we have to cut these partnerships." "Il y a des partenariats aujourd'hui avec des universités israéliennes, quatre, l'université de Tel-Aviv, l'université hébraïque de Jérusalem, l'université Ben-Gourion et l'université Reichman, et les quatre sont des universités qui collaborent avec le système militaire israélien, avec l'Etat d'Israël, qui hébergent des programmes militaires, qui hébergent des bases militaires. Et donc, oui, on dit qu'aujourd'hui, si on veut faire pression sur l'Etat d'Israël pour arrêter le génocide, il faut couper ces partenariats." PARIS, FRANKREICH 3. MAI 2024 2. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 19. 01:38-01:44 Zwischenschnitt: Totale police officers in a street alongside Sciences Po 20. 01:44-01:50 Zwischenschnitt: Totale facade of Sciences Po and closed door MEXIKO-STADT, MEXIKO 2. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 21. 01:55-01:57 Totale Palestinian flag in front of student camp at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 22. 01:57-01:59 Totale Palestinian flag in front of student camp at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 23. 01:59-02:03 Totale students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) chant during pro-Palestinian protest 24. 02:03-02:07 Halbnahe students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) hold posters during pro-Palestinian protest 25. 02:07-02:11 Schärfeziehen from group of protesting students to student wearing keffiyeh 26. 02:11-02:15 Totale protesting students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Videos zum Israel-Krieg

Israel und Hamas dämpfen Hoffnungen auf baldige Waffenruhe

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) CHAN YUNIS, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:06 Totale destroyed buildings next to a road where Gazans are walking 2. 00:06-00:09 Nah destroyed buildings next to a road where Gazans are walking 3. 00:09-00:14 Totale Gazans walking on a destroyed road 4. 00:14-00:20 Panorama view on the widely destroyed city 5. 00:20-00:28 Schwenk von rechts nach links destroyed buildings and rubble JERUSALEM, NICHT DEFINIERT 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: GPO (GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE) 6. 00:28-00:46 O-TON 1 - Benjamin Netanjahu, israelischer Ministerpräsident (Mann, Hebräisch, 18 Sek.): "Die Erfolge des Krieges sind beachtlich. Wir haben 19 von 24 Hamas-Bataillonen ausgeschaltet, darunter ranghohe Kommandeure. Wir haben viele Hamas-Terroristen getötet, verwundet oder gefangen genommen. Wir haben die Al-Schifa-Klinik und viele andere Terrorzentralen gesäubert. Wir haben Fabriken zur Herstellung von Raketen, Kontrollräume, Waffen und Munition zerstört. Und wir zerstören weiter systematisch, was sich unter der Erde befindet. Wir sind nur noch einen Schritt vom Sieg entfernt." " BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 5. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: NUR REDAKTIONELLE VERWENDUNG USA AUSGESCHLOSSEN AUSTRALIEN AUSGESCHLOSSEN NO ACCESS FROM CUBA / IRAN / SYRIA / NORTH KOREA / SUDAN / CRIMEA 7. 00:46-00:53 O-TON 2 - Antony Blinken , US Secretary of State (Mann, English, 7 Sek.): "It's very important that Israel is taking full responsibility for this incident. It's also important that it appears to be taking steps to hold those responsible accountable. Even more important is making sure that steps are taken going forward to ensure that something like this can never happen again." RAFAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:53-00:55 Totale tents in Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month 9. 00:55-00:57 Halbnahe Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month 10. 00:57-01:00 Halbnahe Rafah in the south of Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its seventh month CHAN YUNIS, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 7. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 01:00-01:07 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky 12. 01:07-01:11 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky 13. 01:11-01:16 Totale wisps of smoke rise into the sky
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